Missing students and staff, or their details are incorrect

This article is for Student Pulse Coordinators.

Having missing students stems from missing or inaccurate data uploaded to or synced with Student Pulse. You must update your data sources, such as the spreadsheets you completed in Part 1(a) or synced from your SIS.

If you uploaded data from spreadsheets

  1. Update the student and staff spreadsheets you prepared in Part 1(a) of your Student Pulse onboarding. If another staff member prepared the spreadsheets, ask them to update the files.
  2. Upload the new spreadsheets to Student Pulse. If another staff member prepared the spreadsheet, they can import the files to Student Pulse for you.
  3. Pulse will email you that new data has been uploaded to Student Pulse. Open the link provided in the email to reset the Student Pulse configuration.

Image 1. Select the link to configure Pulse.

If you synced data from your SIS

  1. Update the student and staff enrolments and groups in your SIS.
  2. Pulse will sync your updated data and email you to restart your Student Pulse configuration. Complete your Student Pulse configuration.
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