Staff Pulse Onboarding Part 2: Configure Staff Pulse

This article is intended for staff members nominated to complete the Pulse onboarding.

This article outlines the last part of the Staff Pulse onboarding process. If you haven’t yet, make sure you’ve completed the first part of the Staff Pulse onboarding, which includes creating the staff spreadsheet and uploading the staff spreadsheet into Staff Pulse.

Once you’ve uploaded staff data, you’ll be asked to continue to the configuration stage, which covers:

  1. Setting up your school structure
  2. Setting up the Wellbeing team
  3. Setting up Pulse dates

Before you start

In addition to completing Part 1A and Part 1B of the onboarding process, make sure you have following details ready:

  • School structure
  • School term or semester dates
  • Pulse check-in and reminder schedules

Configuring Staff Pulse

Stage 1: Set up your school structure

On the Part Two: Configuring Pulse screen, select PROCEED to start the configuration process.


  1. Confirm or edit your school structure:
    1. Select NEXT if the school structure is correct or complete.
    2. Select EDIT SCHOOL STRUCTURE to edit the school structure.


    3. If you need to add more groups, on the Edit your school structure below, select + ADD GROUP.


    4. Add the new group and select SAVE.
  2. The new group will now appear under “Whole school”.  Select NEXT to continue or edit the new group by selecting the Edit icon (pen). To delete the new group, by select the Delete icon (bin).


Stage 2: Set up the Wellbeing team

The Wellbeing team will oversee the check-in data and have visibility over the groups they are attached to in the school structure.

  1. Select NEXT on the Add wellbeing team screen.
  2. On the Add Pulse Director screen, start adding the name of the Pulse Director by typing their name in the search field. You can add multiple Pulse Directors.
  3. Select NEXT.


  4. Add the Wellbeing staff members by typing their names in the groups they should be attached to.


    You can search for the members by typing their names in the search fields. Suggestions will appear as you type.

  5. Select NEXT to confirm your Wellbeing Team.
  6. On the next screen, confirm the Wellbeing Team by selecting NEXT, or update it by selecting BACK.

    confirm wellbeing team.png

Stage 3: Set up your Pulse dates

The final stage in the Pulse onboarding process is setting up your school’s Pulse dates, such as school term dates, launch and check-in dates, and reminders.

To get started, see Setting up your Pulse dates.

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