Wonde: Deploying Student Pulse

This article will provide detailed information on how to deploy Pulse if you are a school using Wonde.

Part One: Initial set up

There are two things that will need to happen in the initial set up phase:

  1. Single Sign On will need to be set up
  2. Your school will need to be linked with Wonde


Please provide your Customer Success Manager with the contact information for someone in your IT team to assist with this.

Part Two: Configuring Pulse

Getting Started

  1. Once Part One has been completed, you will receive an email from Pulse with the subject line ‘Student Pulse - Ready to Onboard’ from Pulse:
  2. Click on the link in the email, which will take you to Pulse. If you are logging in for the first time, you will run through the privacy policy. Once you have read and understood the terms, tick the box confirming this, and click 'Proceed':
  3. You will land on the welcome screen, shown below. Select 'Proceed':
  4. The next screen you will see will explain the steps that need to be taken in this deployment. Select 'Proceed' to get started:


Pulse will take up to a few minutes to sync with your SIS.

Step 1: Add Students to Pulse

  1. Select which year levels you would like enrolled into Pulse. Select 'Next' to proceed:
  2. Select which class types you would like to enrol into Pulse from your SIS. In this example, we are enrolling both classes (registration) and houses. Select 'Next' to proceed:
  3. From these selections, select which classes you would like to enrol into Pulse. Select 'Next' to proceed:

Step 2: Confirm your school email domains

  1. Confirm which staff email domains you would like to enrol in Pulse. These should be the staff email addresses with the school domain. Click 'Next' to proceed:

Step 3: Set up your school structure

  1. Pulse will attempt to build out your school structure:

If this is correct, select ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page to proceed. If there are any edits that need to be made, select ‘Edit School Structure’:

Editing your school structure

In the example school shown above, Pulse has put all the Grade 12/13 students along with the house groups into an ‘Other groups’. The school wants to have a House and Grade structure.

  1. To update this, select ‘EDIT SCHOOL STRUCTURE’, then add a ‘Houses’ group by selecting ‘+ Add Group’ at the top of the page:
  2. Drag and drop the house groups (Boyle, Curie, Fleming etc) to fall underneath this group:
  1. Now that the ‘Other Groups’ just contains Grade 12/13 classes (G, H, J etc), the name can be changed to ‘Grade 12/13’ by selecting the pencil icon, and updating the name in the widget that pops up:
  2. As this school uses both a Grade and House structure, the last thing to do is group all the grade groups together under a single ‘Grades’ group. This can be done by adding in a new group called ‘Grades’, then dragging and dropping the grade groups to fall underneath this group.
  3. Here is the final school structure, for this school:
  4. Click, ‘Next’ to proceed and save these changes in.

Step 4: Assign your wellbeing team in Pulse

With a Wonde integration, all school staff will be pulled into a Staff Directory in Pulse. In these next steps, you will need to assign Wellbeing staff to the relevant group/s of students that they oversee within the school, to allow them to have visibility over their students check-in data.

Important Note: Staff who are only in the Staff Directory will not have any oversight of students wellbeing data, but they will be able to receive gratitude from students.

  1. First add your Pulse Directors. These are staff that will need to have complete oversight of Pulse. To attach a staff member to a group, start typing in their name. If they are in your SIS, their name should show up for selection:

  2. Pulse will then go through the different groups in your school structure, for you to add the relevant staff to.


Top tip: you only need to attach staff to their ‘highest’ group. For example, if you have a staff member who needs complete oversight of ‘Grade 8’, then you would only need to attach them to the ‘Grade 8’ group, instead of each individual class underneath ‘Grade 8’. If you have a staff member who needs complete oversight of all grades, then you would only need to attach them to the ‘Grades’ group (assuming you have set up a ‘Grades’ group in your school structure).

  1. If there are groups which don’t require staff to be attached to them, you can select ‘Next’. The following pop-up will show up, to confirm this is correct, click ‘OK’:
  2. You are able to attach multiple staff to oversee groups:


Adding staff who aren't in your SIS to Pulse

  1. If a staff member's name isn’t showing up, you can add them in manually during these steps. Select ‘Add missing staff’ at the bottom of the screen, and the following will appear:
  2. Add in the staff member’s details. After hitting save, the staff member will be added into the Staff Directory, and you will be able to attach them to the appropriate group.

Important note: we recommend adding staff in your SIS, as this will then sync into Pulse.


Configuring help responders

Once you have attached your wellbeing team to the relevant groups, you will be able to configure your help responders.

The staff you associated with groups in previous steps, such as year levels, sub-schools and houses, will automatically be someone that students in their group will be able to seek wellbeing support from.

Pulse will also pull class teacher data from your SIS, and attach these staff automatically to their class group (such as 7A, 7B etc). On this page, you are able to adjust whether students will also be able to seek help from their class teacher:


Confirm your wellbeing team

Having made your selections, Pulse will present you with the names of your wellbeing team, such as in the example below. From here, you can confirm or go back to make edits to ensure that the correct staff members can access the relevant Pulse data. It is recommended that all groups be assigned to a staff member at the school, though you can edit this later in the settings section if you are in a Coordinator role. When you are happy with this, click ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page:

Step 5: Schedule launch details

Set up your term dates

  1. You will be invited to set up some term dates for your school. You can use the + Add Term button to add in new terms. Give your term a name, e.g. “Term 1”, “Trimester 1”, “Semester 1”, etc.
  2. Once you’ve set up your term dates, you’ll have the option to set Pulse to automatically pause during term breaks using the toggle at the bottom. When enabled, Pulse will automatically pause notifications until the start of the next term.


Tip: We recommend enabling the pause over the breaks for Student Pulse, as it will prevent your students receiving notifications while on holidays. You can skip this during deployment, and come back to it later. Check out this article which shows you how you can manage your term settings after deployment: Manage notifications during the holidays in Pulse

Setting up your start date and email reminders

Pulse will ask you a series of questions to set up your launch details, check-in cadence and reminders. Go through and answer the questions to set these up. If you would like your reminder to be at a different time to your prompt email, select the time in the 'On what day at ... should students who haven't checked in be reminded?' question. This will allow you to select a different time:

Staff receiving welcome emails first

  1. If you would like your staff to receive their welcome emails before your students, select 'everyone':
  2. You will then be given the option for the email to be sent to your staff earlier:
  3. These settings can always be updated at a later point: How to update email reminder days/time
  4. Once you have set up your launch details, Pulse will configure. This can take a few minutes:
  5. Pulse will confirm once deployment is finalised!
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