What Data to Focus on in the Student Wellbeing Section

This article is intended for Pulse Directors, Stewards, Principals, and Teachers.

High Level - Overview

The Overview section shows a summary of students’ responses to the question, “'How are you feeling today?”. The section also shows how many students didn’t respond to the question.

01 overview.png

Image 1: The Overview section

How do schools use the Overview section?

The Overview section is helpful for getting an overall sense of how your students are feeling for the week. Some schools like to keep track of their overall wellbeing score and check if it has gone up or down since the previous week.


You can use the Over Time option to see how this score is changing over the course of the school year.

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Image 2: Select Over time to see the school’s wellbeing score over an extended period.

Deep Dive - Trend Blocks

Trend Blocks highlights the students (and groups, if you oversee multiple groups) whose wellbeing is trending up and down. The trend is based on an analysis of the last eight weeks of check-ins.

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Image 3: The Trend Blocks section

How do schools use Trend Blocks?

Using Trend Blocks can help identify any students (or groups of students) who may need a bit more attention or support for the week. Staff may aim to touch base with each of the trending down students.


If you have a group of students trending down, it would be worth checking what the data in the Experience Section is showing for that group of students - you may find out what it is that is causing the decrease in wellbeing.

Deep Dive - All Students

04 all students.png

Image 4: The All Students section

The All Students section shows the recent check-in history of students, starting with their most recent check-in. You can:

  • search for students
  • filter by students who have checked in with a particular response on their most recent check-in
  • filter by period
  • pin students to the top

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Image 5: Use search, filters, and pin to display students’ check-in history


Pinning students makes it easy to keep an eye on students that may require additional support, by keeping them at the top of your All Students section.

How do schools use the All Students section?

Some schools like to pay attention to the orange and yellow response indicators because they want to intervene early. It can also be great to gather insights from students who are checking-in green to understand what it is they’re doing to feel that way.

Many schools will initiate a wellbeing conversation with a student who has had three or more check-ins in the orange and yellow categories, even if they haven’t reached out for help yet. Often, these responses are early warning signs that they are getting to that stage.

What should schools do about students who don’t check-in?

While it should never be mandatory to make students complete a wellbeing check-in, many schools will keep an eye on students who don’t complete check-ins. For students who regularly complete check-ins, a week where they don’t may be a red flag. For students who regularly don’t check-in, you can start a conversation with them to find out why.

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