How to share Staff Pulse data


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While it is only possible for school leaders to export the wellbeing and experience data from Staff Pulse, it does not mean that they are the only people who should see it. In fact, a great way to generate buy-in for Pulse is to show staff that their feedback is being used meaningfully.

We recommend that Wellbeing data be accessed weekly and all help requests or other concerns should be actioned promptly. Experience data can be reviewed less often, though ideally it should be at least monthly. From here, you may decide which (if not all) trends you would like to share with staff about their experiences in the workplace. Generally, this can be done either in a staff meeting or electronically, via email or a virtual noticeboard.

We recommend sharing Pulse insights such as:

  • Sharing what’s been going well this week
  • What’s improved since the previous week
  • What the school might aim to improve on
  • A recommended resource for the week

Following this, you may collect ideas from your staff about what they think would make a difference to their work or environment, or both. This could be during the staff meeting, using paper in groups, electronically, leaving notes in a suggestions box or all of the above.

From here, action plans can be formulated and communicated on a continuous basis. It is important to keep sharing the data and plans even after the initial brainstorming so that leaders voices are utilized in an authentic way.

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