Overview of the Help Inbox

Pulse Directors and Stewards are able to have staff reach out to them for help. This article shows what the Help Inbox looks like.

Pulse Directors and Stewards are able to have staff reach out to them for help. You can see what a reach out for help looks like here.


This is what your Help Inbox will look like:


What happens when a staff member reaches out for help?

When a staff member reaches out for help, their chosen person will get an email notification as well as a notification in Pulse. The notification in Pulse shows up in the top left hand corner of your dashboard:


You will also see any open help requests in the Help Inbox widget in the Wellbeing Section of the dashboard:


Clicking on either of these will take you to your Help Inbox.

Help Request Stages

There are four stages a help request will go through:

  1. New Request - a new help request will show up here
  2. Acknowledged Request - when you have acknowledged the help request in Pulse. The student will receive a notification that you have acknowledged their help request
  3. Resolved/Referred Request - when you have connected with the staff member, and either resolved their issue, or referred them on
  4. Archived Request - when the Pulse Director is satisfied that the help request has been managed

Actioning Help Requests

  1. Go into your Help Inbox and select the Help request being actioned.
  2. Select ‘Acknowledge’. This will send a notification to the staff member that you will be connecting with them soon:


  1. After connecting with the staff member and taking the appropriate next steps, you will be able to select ‘Mark As Done’:


  1. This will move the help request to the ‘Resolved/Referred Requests’ section. The Pulse Director will then be able to move the help request to archived when they are satisfied it has been appropriately actioned.



A staff member can select ‘I’m having a tough week’, but may decide not to connect with support. If this is the case, you will not receive a notification either by email or in Pulse, however, you will see in the ‘All Colleagues’ section that they have checked in as red:


Team Inbox

Stewards and Pulse Directors will have access to a Team Inbox. The team inbox will show all the help requests that have come in for the group of staff that the Steward/Pulse Director oversees in the school, as well as the stage that each request is at. For example, an Admin Staff Steward will only see help requests from Admin Staff in their Team Inbox.

Here is what the Team Inbox looks like:


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