Things to consider before integrating Pulse with your School Information System (SIS)

Pulse can integrate with your School Information System (SIS) using one of our Integration Partners - Wonde or Clever.

This article outlines the things to consider when deciding whether or not to integrate your SIS with Pulse.

Check the list and answer the questions for your school setup

Does your Pulse product support integrations?

Pulse Wonde Clever
Student Pulse Yes Yes
Staff Pulse No No

Does the integration provide the functionality sought?

Supported Functionality Wonde Clever

Syncing students within groups1

Syncing students who are members of the above groups.

Yes Yes

Syncing staff within groups1

Syncing staff who are members of the above groups.

No Yes


Authentication of users using single-sign-on.

No2 Yes

Syncing groups1

Syncing registration groups, home groups, classes, etc. from your SIS.

Yes Yes

1. “Syncing” means a nightly one-way sync from the SIS via the integration partner (Wonde or Clever) to update Pulse to match the SIS.

2. A separate SAML2 integration is required if integrating with Wonde, as Wonde doesn’t provide single-sign-on services.

Is the Integration supported in your region?

Integration Partner Supported regions
Clever United States
Wonde Please confirm with the EI Customer Success team. But, as a guide, we have Wonde integrations in Australia, New Zealand, MENA and the UK

Is your SIS supported by the Integration Partner?

Since Wonde and Clever are constantly adding support for more School Information Systems, please confirm with the Pulse Customer Success team.

Is the data in your SIS clean, comprehensive and well-structured?

Pulse will automatically enroll, un-enroll and move users between groups to match your SIS.

Implicitly, your SIS must:

  • contain all the student groups you would like to enrol in Pulse.
  • be regularly updated with new enrolments.
  • remove students who have left the school.
  • stay up to date with changes (such as a student moving from one group to another).
  • have accurate data for your users: first names, last names and correct email addresses.

Does the number of users enrolled justify an integration?

Integrations pay dividends when you have a large number of enrollments in Pulse.

If you intend to use Pulse for fewer than 100 students and teachers, it is worth weighing up whether the effort spent setting up an integration will exceed the effort of making a small volume of manual updates in Pulse’s self-service enrollment management.

Have you started using Pulse already this year?

Some extra care needs to be taken when setting up an integration after Pulse has started for the year. Often the names of groups in your SIS will differ slightly from the groups as they are known in Pulse. For instance, the group “Year 10R” in Pulse might be known in the SIS as “Year 10 Red”. For the integration to succeed, the group names in Pulse must be brought into alignment with the SIS. Our R&D team can assist with this process.

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