Guide to Reading the District Dashboard

This article is for Network Coordinators

Pulse Network Reporting is a dashboard designed to make data easily accessible for someone overseeing a network of schools. You can use this dashboard to easily view Pulse Check-in data gathered from all schools in your network.

The Network Dashboard is split into the Wellbeing insights and Experience insights based on the types of questions asked in Pulse check-in.

  1. Select the Wellbeing or Experience tab on top to change your view.
  2. You can change the overview to Month, Term or Year on the top right.


Image 1: Default Network Reporting Dashboard View highlighting Time Period options

Wellbeing Overview

Wellbeing Overview shows the overall response to the Wellbeing question from the schools in your network. There are two views:

  • Overview & Insights
  • View All Schools
    • Individual school view

Wellbeing Overview and Insights

You can see the proportion of students who have responded to the question, “How are you feeling?” with a green response (either ‘I’m feeling great’ or ‘I’m feeling positive’).

In this example:

  1. Eight (8) out of every 10 students have reported that they are feeling either positive or great.
  2. The smaller number represents whether the score was higher or lower than the last time period selected (Month, Term or Year).
  3. You can also see the percentage of students that selected each response option and overall participation in Pulse Check-in.
  4. The Over Time view will show the score changes over the period of time.

Image 2: Wellbeing Overview & Insights Dashboard

Highlights, Challenges, Check-ins

The Highlights, Challenges, and Check-ins section helps you compare schools in your network and check for schools that need support. The following example shows which schools had:

  1. Most Positive Score: the highest average green responses to the Wellbeing question in the current time period.
  2. Most Improved Score: the highest increase in average green responses to the Wellbeing question since the last time period.
  3. Most Negative Score: the most non-green responses to the Wellbeing question in the current time period.
  4. Most Declined Score: the highest decrease in average green responses to the Wellbeing question since the last time period.

Under Check-ins, you can also see (e) how many students from each school have checked in with Pulse and (f) Participation trends over time.

Image 3: Wellbeing Dashboard Highlights, Challenges and Check-ins section

View All Schools

You can use this view to check each school’s overall Wellbeing Score, Term change (the change in score over the term), Total Check-ins and Score Trend over time. If you have a long list of schools in your network, use the Search bar to find a school quicker.

Image 4: “View All Schools” dashboard in the Wellbeing section.

Select a school to view that school’s Wellbeing report in more detail:

Image 5: Single school Wellbeing Report

Experience Overview

The Experience overview will show you the overall responses to the school experience questions for Student Pulse from all the schools in the network. Views include:

  • Overview and Insights
  • Heatmap
    • Individual school views

Overview & Insights

You can see the proportion of students who have responded to the Experience questions with Strongly Agree or Agree. In the example below, you can see:

  1. Seven point six (7.6) out of every 10 students have reported a positive reaction to their experience questions.
  2. The smaller number underneath represents whether the score was higher or lower than the last time period selected (Month, Term or Year).
  3. A breakdown of the types of questions, each type’s score, and the changes in score over the last time period.

Image 6: Experience Overview & Insights Dashboard

Select Over Time to show a more detailed breakdown of the Experience Overview in each category over the selected period.

Image 7: Over time Experience Overview for the selected period (Term)

School Highlights, School Challenges, Key Experience Questions

You can see the Most Positive and Most Improved school scores over the selected period and the Most Negative and Most Declined school scores.

  1. Most Positive Score shows the schools with the highest average green responses to the Experience questions in the current time period.
  2. Most Improved Score shows the schools with the highest increase in average green responses to the Experience questions since the last time period.
  3. Most Negative Score shows the schools with the most non-green responses to the Experience questions in the current time period.
  4. Most Declined Score shows the schools with the highest decrease in average green responses to the Experience questions since the last time period.
  5. The Key Experience Questions data is taken from the responses from students to the Experience questions in Pulse check-in.

You can use the Heatmap view for a full breakdown of responses in each category.

Image 8: Experience Dashboard School Highlights, School Challenges and Key Experience Questions section


The Heatmap shows a table of every school in the network and every category of experience questions and their scores (out of 10). Each score represents the proportion of students in that school who have answered questions in each category more positively. The closer the number is to 10, the higher the proportion of students who have responded positively in that domain, sub-domain or question.

image9_experience heatmap dashboard.png

Image 9: Experience Dashboard Heatmap Overview

Select Variation at the top right to check the current score for each category and the number of points changed since the last period.

Image 10: Experience Heatmap variation over time

Individual School Views

Select a school to show its Overview score in either Score or Variation view and see a detailed breakdown of that school’s experience data.

Image 11: Individual school’s experience data

Selecting a school’s score in a specific category or subcategory will allow you to focus on the insights collected for that school in that area.

Image 12: A school’s experience insights for the Valued and Safe category


For more information about Pulse questions and their categories, please contact your success manager.

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