What happens if a student replies to a Pulse email?

This article is intended for Staff and Pulse Directors.

Pulse emails are sent from:

If a student replies to a pulse email, it will go to an unmonitored email inbox and they’ll receive the following automatic response:

Subject: Re: Sorry - this email address is not monitored Re: It's time to check-in to Student Pulse


Thank you for emailing us. 

While we genuinely love speaking to our users, it appears you have come through to the wrong inbox! This inbox is not monitored regularly, and you will not receive a reply from here.

That's okay! Let me point you in the right direction:

If you would like to speak with someone about your wellbeing, you can check in using Pulse and select "I need some help."

If you need technical support, please email [region specific help email].

Kind regards,

The Pulse Team

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