This article is for Pulse Directors, Stewards, and Teachers in Student Pulse.
Student Pulse’s Wellbeing dashboard provides insights into the wellbeing of students in your assigned group based on their response to the Wellbeing question, “How are you feeling today?” and the follow up question, “Which of these best describes how you are feeling?” when they check in.
The Wellbeing dashboard has three parts: Overview, Trending Up and Trending Down, and All Students, which shows the wellbeing check-ins of students in your group over time.
Overview presents students’ response to the Wellbeing question, “How are you feeling today?”
Current view
The current overall score represents the overall response. The example on Image 1 shows that 8.9 out of 10 students responded either “I’m feeling great” or “I’m feeling positive”. The small number underneath indicates if the overall response is higher or lower than the previous time period. In the example, the school is up 0.4 points since the previous week.
Image 1. The current wellbeing score
The dashboard adjusts the score based on your selected period. Select Week, Month, Term, or Year on the top right of the screen.
The overall score is divided into the number of responses in each category over the current time period. In this example (Image 2), none of the students answered “I need some help,” while 40 students answered “I’m feeling positive” in the current week.
Selecting a response will show the students who chose this answer on the All Students section.
Over time view
Select Over time on the top right to view a trend graph showing the average overall scores over time.
Image 2. The trend graph shows the overall scores over time.
Hover on a node to see the overall score for that period.
Image 3. Hover on a node to display the wellbeing score for the period.
Help Inbox
If you are a Steward or a Pulse Director, you’ll see a list of current help requests on the Help Inbox widget. Select this widget to open your Help Inbox.
Image 4. Current help requests appear on the Help Inbox widget.
Trending Up and Trending Down section
Trending Up and Trending Down help you identify the groups and individuals whose feelings are becoming more positive or negative over time. Selecting the group or a student will show additional information about their check-in history.
Image 5. The Trending Up and Trending Down sections show groups and students who are feeling more positive or negative over time.
Monitoring the Trending Up and Trending Down sections is especially useful in understanding how students feel during significant periods, like assessment periods and before or after holidays.
All Students
The All Students section displays your students’ check-in for the current and past weeks.
Select the more icon (three dots) on the student’s row to show how they checked in over time. This helps in identifying patterns.
Image 6. The All Students section
Select the pin icon to pin a student to the top of the list.
Image 7. Pin students to the top of the list.
You can filter the list to show students based on their responses.
Image 8. Filter the list of students
Find students on the search bar and filter the results by time periods:
Image 9. Search for students and view the list by time period.
Digging Deeper Insights
You can see the student’s responses to the “Digging Deeper” question, where they select one emotion that best describes how they are feeling.
Image 10. Display the student’s answer to the “Digging Deeper” question by selecting the three dots on their row.
Pulse presents various response options depending on the student’s response, some of which are consistent across all responses.
To ensure questions are meaningful to students, Pulse presents them with options that are tailored to their age group (e.g. Primary, K-12). Learn more about setting up questions for age groups.
If the student selected “I’m feeling great”’ or “I’m feeling positive” | If the student selected “I’m feeling in the middle” or “I’m feeling negative” | Options presented across ALL responses |
Confident |
Anxious |
Balanced |
Table 1. Options presented to secondary students, according to their response to the Wellbeing question, “How are you feeling today?”
If the student selected “I’m feeling great”’ or “I’m feeling positive” | If the student selected “I’m feeling in the middle” or “I’m feeling negative” | Options presented across ALL responses |
Happy |
Anxious |
Calm |
Table 2. Options presented to primary students, according to their selected response to the Wellbeing question, “How are you feeling today?”
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