Pulse FAQ

What is Pulse?

Pulse is a tool for measuring student and staff well-being and engagement week-to-week. By ‘checking in’ with Pulse, your school can track the well-being of individual students or staff so that they can respond to those who request help.

Pulse allows students and staff to anonymously share their feelings about being part of your school. This helps the school make improvements to better connect with students and staff.

How does it work?

Once a week, Pulse will send participants an email (or push notification on the Pulse app) to complete a ‘Check-In’. The check-in consists of 5 to 6 straightforward questions. Check-ins generally take less than 5 minutes to complete.

Why do schools use Pulse?

Pulse uses questions supported by evidence-based frameworks for assessing health and well-being during the check-in. Pulse shows the data in a simple and timely way that lets schools provide better support to each student and year level. Pulse can provide more information in a short amount of time than in longer surveys.

What information does Pulse collect? 

When Pulse is deployed at a school, the school will provide Pulse with a list of the participant’s School Email, First Name, Last Name, Year Level, and Class or House.

Pulse check-in collects two types of responses: Identified and Anonymous. Pulse will only record the participant's name in the identified question, ‘How are you feeling?’. Pulse only identifies the respondent for this question to advise the school which person requires help. 

Who can see responses to Pulse Check-in?

Only staff allocated to oversee a participant’s Class/House, Year Level, or Staff Group can see the list of students and their responses to Pulse Check-in. A principal will generally be able to see all students and be able to see their responses to the ‘How are you feeling?’. 

If a participant requests help from a staff member, the staff member will receive an email to advise them and a notification in their Pulse Dashboard’s Help Inbox. Besides the identified question, all other responses will be pooled and displayed as general feedback.

Where does Pulse store and process personal information?

Data Storage and Encryption

We treat the confidentiality of data extremely seriously and design Pulse with the privacy of participants and students in mind. We protect all data with security safeguards commensurate with the data’s sensitivity. All data is password protected, redundantly stored, and encrypted where appropriate.

We store all personal information in Pulse on regularly backed-up, secure data centres local to our major regions.

Region Data stored in
ANZ region (including International schools in Asia) Sydney, Australia.

UK region (including International schools in the Middle East and Europe) London, United Kingdom
US region (including International schools in the Americas) United States

Service Providers

We work with vendors, service providers, and other partners to help us provide the Service (e.g., helpdesk, email, etc.) by performing tasks on our behalf. We may need to share or provide information (including personal information) to them to help them achieve these business functions. These providers have limited access to your personal information to perform these tasks on our behalf. They are contractually bound to protect and use it only for the purpose it was disclosed and consistent with this Privacy Policy. Please look at Appendix A of our privacy policy for a list of the third parties we work with to provide the Service. Some of these services may operate outside multiple jurisdictions, including the USA.

Click the link for the Full Pulse Privacy Policy. Qoria owns Smoothwall.

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