This section of the dashboard represents the wellbeing of each individual staff member for your assigned group. The data shown in this section are staff responses to the Wellbeing Question: ‘How are you feeling at work this week?’
It includes an overview section, a trend section and a participant list to drill down. This article will help you navigate this section of the dashboard and understand the presented elements.
Current View
The overall score (the big number on the left), represents the number of staff who have responded green (either ‘I’m feeling great’ or ‘I’m feeling positive’). In this example, 5.8 out of 10 staff have reported that they are feeling either positive or great. The small number underneath indicates if this is higher or lower than the last time period. In this example, the school is down 0.3 since the previous week.
The range of responses is broken down by the number of staff who responded in that category over the time period selected: over the last week, month, term or year.
Clicking on a category will show you just the staff who have responded that way for the time period in the All Colleagues part further down the page.
Over Time View
Switching to the Over time view in the top right hand corner allows you to view a trend graph which will show you the average overall wellbeing score over the selected time period (term or year).
Trend Widgets
Help Inbox Widget
If you are a Steward or Pulse Director, this widget will allow you to see any current help requests. Clicking on this widget will take you to your Help Inbox.
Trending Up and Trending Down
These widgets allow you to identify the groups and individuals who are feeling more positively or negatively over time. This is particularly useful in understanding how staff feel throughout the term, before or after holidays, and during significant school events.
Clicking on the group or staff member will show that group or staff member in the All Colleagues part, for you to see additional information about their check-in history.
All Colleagues
The All Colleagues part of the Wellbeing Section will show you a list of your staff’s check-ins for the week, along with their recent check-in history.
Clicking the 3 dot icon will show how the staff has checked in over time to help identify any patterns:
The ‘pinning’ feature on the far right allows you to pin the staff to the top of the list for continuous monitoring:
You can filter the list to only see staff who have responded in a particular way for their most recent check-in:
You can also search for staff by name using the search bar, and view by different time periods:
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