Managing enrolments in Staff Pulse

This article is for Pulse Coordinators.

This guide outlines the steps in managing enrolments in Staff Pulse. As Pulse Coordinator, you can add, edit or delete staff members enrolled in Staff Pulse. You can also assign them as Staff Pulse Coordinators.


The changes you make to staff members’ enrolment in Staff Pulse do not appear in Student Pulse. If you need to update staff members’ enrolment in Student Pulse, see Managing enrolments in Student Pulse for instructions.

To start managing staff enrolments in Staff Pulse:

  1. Sign in to Pulse > Staff Pulse > Enrolments.
  2. The screen will show the list of all enrolled students and staff on the right. You can filter the list by selecting a role in the Filter by role bar, or by typing their name or email in the Search bar.


Image 1: Finding staff members in Staff Pulse using filters and search

Adding a staff member 

  1. Select Add Person on the Enrolments panel.
  2. On the Adding person dialog, enter the new staff member’s first name, last name, and email address.
    • For a staff member completing check-ins: Select the group where the staff will check in as a participant.
    • For a staff member who needs to oversee the check-in data: Assign the staff member as either a Steward or Pulse Director, then select the group they will oversee.
  3. Select Save.

Editing a staff member

  1. Find the staff member by Filtering by role or using Search.
  2. Select the Edit icon (pencil) on the staff’s row.
  3. On the Editing person dialog, you can change their first name, last name, email address, check-in group, and role.
  4. Select Save to confirm your updates.

Unenrolling a staff member

  1. Find the staff member using Filters or Search.
  2. Select the Delete icon (bin) on the staff’s row.
  3. Select OK on the confirmation pop-up.

Adding or removing Staff Pulse Coordinators

  1. Find the staff member using Filters or Search.
  2. Select the Edit icon (pencil) on the staff’s row.
  3. On the Editing person widget:
    • Select the [Participant] is a Coordinator checkbox to add them as a Coordinator.
    • Deselect the [Participant] is a Coordinator checkbox to remove them as Coordinator.
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