What data can I see in the Exported Pulse Reports?

This article is intended for Pulse Directors.


The data in these reports are highly sensitive and confidential and should only be shared with those authorised to access the data contained within. Ensure this file is stored securely and distributed only through secure channels, delete the file if the report is no longer required.

Exporting Pulse check-in reports is another way to view and process Pulse data rather than using the Pulse Dashboard. The Summary report gives a good high-level overview of all Pulse check-ins at your school since Pulse was deployed in the current year, and the Wellbeing report will show raw data for student responses to the question ‘How are you feeling today? While the Experience report will show cumulative data from the experience questions at the check-in.

Summary Report

The Summary report includes three sections:

  1. Connecting at-risk students with support.
  2. Leaders get leading indicators.
  3. How was Pulse received at your school.

1. Connecting at-risk students

This section shows the number of help requests received since the first Pulse check-in at your school. You can see what timeframes help requests were received and how quickly help requests were responded to.

2. Leaders get leading indicators

This section shows all student check-in responses collated within the ARACY Common Approach areas and the percentage of each response relating to each question topic. You can use this section to get a quick overview of the most frequent student responses to each type of question.

3. How was Pulse received at your school

This section summarises student engagement with Pulse, including check-in and gratitude statistics. You can view the total number of completed check-ins and check if any students haven't completed one. You can also see how many students have sent gratitude and the total number of each gratitude type students sent.

Wellbeing Data 

The Wellbeing Data report details all student responses to the “How are you feeling today?” question in the Pulse check-in. The report has two sheets displaying identifiable details of each student’s check-in history.

HATF Summary

The How are they feeling (HATF) Summary lists each student's average weekly response to the "How are you feeling today?” question in Pulse check-in. If there is a blank space, the student did not check in that week.

The report assigns a number to each answer to the “How are you feeling today?” with 0.0 being the lowest ("I need help”) and 1.0 being the highest ("I'm feeling great"). If a student has completed multiple check-ins in a given week, their score will reflect the average of all their check-ins. In the HATF details sheet, you will see a more detailed breakdown of each response.


Student One had a response average of 0.750, indicating a higher response to the Wellbeing question. Student Four and Student Five did not check in on the second week.

“How are you feeling” Details report spreadsheet.png

Image 1: “How are you feeling” Summary report spreadsheet

HATF Details

The “How are they feeling” Details tab expands the summary by showing which option was selected in a given week. The first five columns show the number of check-ins for which the student answered Lowest ("I need help") to Highest ("I'm feeling great"). The column "n" gives the number of times the student checked in during the week.

“How are you feeling” Summary report spreadsheet.png

Image 2: “How are you feeling” Details report spreadsheet

Experience Data

The Experience Data report shows the overall student responses to each experience question in Pulse check-in. The report does not show the exact question asked but will show each question's ARACY Common Approach domain.

Framework Summary

The Framework Summary lists your students’ responses to the Experience questions in Pulse check-in within the reporting period. If there is a 0 showing, there were no responses to that domain in Pulse check-in during the reporting period.

You can see the number of times students selected each type of response from Lowest (least favourable) to Highest (most favourable) to each question defined by the first and second-level framework descriptor. You can see the average response between 0.0 (worst) and 1.0 (best) for all responses, with the column "n"  being the total responses received.


In this example, the school received 848 responses for the Level 1 Valued and Safe framework descriptor with an average of 0.747, which generally indicates favourable student responses.

Framework Summary report spreadsheet.png
Image 3: Framework Summary report spreadsheet

Framework Details

The Framework Details spreadsheet is structured identically to the "Framework Summary," but it provides a valuable week-by-week breakdown for observing changes over time.

Framework Details report spreadsheet.png
Image 4: Framework Details report spreadsheet

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