Guide to reading the Pulse Highlights Emails

This article is intended for Teachers, Stewards and Pulse Directors.

The Highlights Summary Email is designed to provide staff members with a Highlights email report containing essential insights into their students' progress

Each staff role in Pulse will receive weekly emails by default with different groups of focus:

  • Pulse Directors: Whole-school level
  • Stewards: Year/Grade/Cohort level
  • Teachers: Teacher’s Class/Group or Specific Group level assigned to them

Staff can manage the way they receive Highlights emails by selecting Update my email preferences at the top of their Pulse dashboard.

Highlights Email.png
Img 1: Student Pulse Highlights Email settings

The default setting will be Automatic, which will provide them with an email for one of the groups they oversee. They can select Specific groups and select the groups they want to receive the email for, or they can opt out by selecting No highlights email. Each Highlights Summary Email you receive will contain a link to the Highlights Summary Emails settings.


The email will look different based on your region. If you are an existing Pulse customer and want to set up Weekly Summary emails, please contact Pulse Support. New customers will automatically start receiving Weekly Summary emails.

Email Breakdown

Each Highlights Summary email will include insights surrounding:

  • Wellbeing and Help requests
  • Participation 
  • Experience 

You can click on the links to each section of the Pulse dashboards for further information.


If not enough check-ins have been completed to provide staff with meaningful insights in this summary email, they will receive an email indicating this. They can still log in to Pulse and see any check-in information from their students.

Wellbeing Insights

The Wellbeing Insights section focuses on how students respond to the wellbeing question in Student Pulse

Your report will show the:

  • percentage of students who reported a negative or ‘needing help’ response in their last Pulse check-in compared to the previous week
  • percentage trends in each class or group's response to the well-being question
  • change in the number of requests for help that have been received and the current status of your Help Inbox (Pulse Directors and Stewards only)

Pulse Participation Insights

Pulse Participation Insights shows how Pulse student check-in participation has changed over the last week. You can see which classes or groups had the highest percentage of students who checked in and changes since the previous week. You can find more information in our article about promoting Pulse participation.

Experience Insights

Experience Insights gives a quick overview of important insights based on students’ responses to the experience questions. See our Experience Dashboard article for more details on how the data is compiled and how best to use this information.


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